UK content calendar for 2023

UK content calendar for 2023

Do you struggle to keep track of important dates, holidays, and events that are relevant to your brand? If so, we’ve got you covered! We’ve created a free content calendar for 2023, designed to help you plan and organise your content throughout the year, useful for marketing, content creation, event planning and more. 

With this calendar, you’ll have a clear and easy-to-use tool that will help you stay on top of your content creation, so you can focus on what you do best – creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience. In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to our content calendar for 2023 and show you how it can help you streamline your content creation process and achieve your business goals. Whether you’re a blogger, content marketer, or social media manager, this calendar is the perfect tool to help you plan and execute your content strategy with ease. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the world of content planning and see how our 2023 content calendar can make your life easier:


  • January 1 – January 31 – Veganuary
  • January 1 – January 31 – Walk Your Dog Month
  • January 1 – January 31 – Love Your Liver Month 2023 
  • January 16 – Blue Monday
  • January 22 – February 5 – Chinese New Year 2023
  • January 25 – Burns Night 2023
  • January 27 – Holocaust Memorial Day 2023
  • January 28 – February 5 – National Storytelling Week 2023


  • February 1 – February 28 – Raynaud’s Awareness Month
  • February 1 – February 28 – LGBT History Month
  • February 2 – Time To Talk Day 2023
  • February 3 – Wear Red Day 2023
  • February 4 – World Cancer Day
  • February 5 – World Nutella Day
  • February 6 – National Sickie Day
  • February 6 – #ReclaimSocial2023
  • February 6 – Schools Football Week
  • February 6 – February 12 – Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week
  • February 6 – February 12 – National Apprenticeship Week
  • February 6 – February 12 – Student Volunteering Week
  • February 6 – February 12 – Children’s Mental Health Week
  • February 9 – National Pizza Day
  • February 11 – International Day of Women and Girls in Science
  • February 14 – Valentine’s Day
  • February 17 – Random Acts of Kindness Day
  • February 20 – February 26 – Cancer Prevention Action Week
  • February 21 – Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Day
  • February 27 – March 5 – Eating Disorders Awareness Week
  • February 27 – March 5 – Fairtrade Fortnight


  • March 1  – St David’s Day
  • March 1  – March 31 – Brain Tumour Awareness Month
  • March 1  – March 31 – National Bed Month
  • March 1  – March 31 – 100 Miles in March for Mind
  • March 7 – March 12 – National Careers Week
  • March 7 – March 13 – British Pie Week
  • March 7 – March 13 – National Butchers Week
  • March 11 – March 20 – British Science Week
  • March 15 – Young Carers Action Day
  • March 17 – St Patrick’s Day
  • March 18 – Global Recycling Day
  • March 18 – World Sleep Day
  • March 18 – Comic Relief Red Nose Day
  • March 18 – March 27 – English Tourism Week
  • March 19 – Mother’s Sunday
  • March 20 – International Day of Happiness
  • March 20 – March 26 – Debt Awareness Week
  • March 21 – March 27 – Neurodiversity Celebration Week
  • March 22 – World Water Day
  • March 30 – World Bipolar Day


  • April 1 – April 30 – Stress Awareness Month
  • April 1 – April 30 – Parkinson’s Awareness Month
  • April 1 – April 30 – Bowel Cancer Awareness Month
  • April 1 – April 30 – National Pet Month
  • April 7 – World Health Day
  • April 7 – Good Friday
  • April 9 – Easter Sunday
  • April 20 – April 26 – Allergy Awareness Week
  • April 23 – Saint George’s Day
  • April 24 – April 30 – MS Awareness Week
  • April 27 – Stop Food Waste Day


  • May 1 – May 31 – National Walking Month
  • May 2 – May 8 – Deaf Awareness Week
  • May 2 – May 8 – National Gardening Week
  • May 4 – Firefighters’ Memorial Day
  • May 4 – Star Wars Day
  • May 5 – International Day of the Midwife
  • May 7 – May 15 – National Donut Week
  • May 9 – May 15 – Mental Health Awareness Week
  • May 12 – International Nurses Day
  • May 15 – May 21 – National Vegetarian Week
  • May 16 – May 22 – Dementia Awareness Week
  • May 23 – World Turtle Day
  • May 27 – National Fish & Chip Day
  • May 28 – World Hunger Day


  • June 1 – June 7 – Volunteers Week
  • June 1 – June 30 – Pride Month
  • June 5 – World Environment Day
  • June 5 – June 11 – Garden Wildlife Week
  • June 13 – June 17 – Loneliness Awareness Week
  • June 13 – June 19 – Diabetes Awareness Week
  • June 13 – June 19 – Men’s Health Week
  • June 16 – National Clean Air Day
  • June 18 – Father’s Day
  • June 18 – June 25 – Drowning Prevention Week
  • June 20 – World Refugee Day


  • July 4 – July 10 – National BBQ Week
  • July 17  – World Emoji Day
  • July 24 – National Tequila Day 


  • August 1 – Yorkshire Day
  • August 1 – August 7 – World Breastfeeding Week
  • August 1 – August 31 – National Road Victim Month
  • August 4 – Cycle to Work Day
  • August 7 – August 13 – Afternoon Tea Week
  • August 13 – National Prosecco Day
  • August 19 – World Humanitarian Day


  • September 1 – September 30 – Organic September
  • September 1 – September 30 – Blood Cancer Awareness Month
  • September 1 – September 30 – World Alzheimer’s Month
  • September 1 – September 30 – Gynecological Cancer Awareness Month
  • September 1 – September 30 – Secondhand September
  • September 2 – National Doodle Day 
  • September 10 – World Suicide Prevention Day
  • September 13 – Roald Dahl Story Day
  • September 16 – National Teaching Day
  • September 16 – September 25 – Great British Beach Clean
  • September 19 – Youth Mental Health Day
  • September 19 – September 25 – Organ Donation Week
  • September 19 – September 25 – Recycle Week
  • September 21 – International Day of Peace
  • September 27 – World Tourism Day


  • October 1  – International Coffee Day
  • October 1  – World Vegetarian Day
  • October 1  – October 31 – Breast Cancer Awareness Month
  • October 1  – October 31 – Go Sober for October
  • October 3 – October 9 – National Curry Week
  • October 4 – October 10 – World Space Week
  • October 6 – World Dyslexia Awareness Day
  • October 9 – October 15 – Baby Loss Awareness Week
  • October 10 – World Mental Health Day
  • October 10 – October 16 – Sexual Health Awareness Week
  • October 14 – October 20 – National Baking Week
  • October 16 – World Food Day
  • October 17 – October 23 – National Adoption Week
  • October 17 – October 23 – Chocolate Week
  • October 31 – Halloween


  • November 1 – World Vegan Day
  • November 1 – November 30 – Movember
  • November 1 – November 30 – Lung Cancer Awareness Month
  • November 3 – National Sandwich Day
  • November 4 – November 10 – National Spa Week
  • November 5 – Guy Fawkes Night
  • November 9 – November 13 – Talk Money Week
  • November 11 – November 15 – Anti Bullying Week
  • November 13 – World Kindness Day
  • November 16 – November 22 – Road Safety Week
  • November 25 – Black Friday
  • November 30 – Cyber Monday
  • November 30 – St Andrews Day


  • December 8 – Christmas Jumper Day
  • December 10 – Human Rights Day
  • December 25 – Christmas Day
  • December 26 – Boxing Day
  • December 31 – New Year’s Eve

Would you like support with content creation? Linking important dates and creating campaigns with purpose? Get in touch and a member of the team would love to have a chat.